I dropped for a couple of hours today in a local graveyard called "Carmen y Dolores", and, boy, there are plenty of beautiful monuments and mausoleums to shoot, also it is a feast of decaying stuff to shoot at will (of course, with all due respect to the deceased). This one was perfect to give an eerie mood with some tinkering in PhotoShop.
dude, your photos are awesome. keep it up. i wish i could find cool stuff like that to take pictures of.
Thanks yoshi, picking photos like these takes a little of patience, and a will to carry the camera everywhere, and after you took a several dozens of stuff, you find a few ones that really make your shooting day. Of course, educating the eye for composition, and mastering the camera's features narrows the wasted shots.
me ganaste la idea jajajajaja... hace tiempo que quiero ir a tomar fotos al panteon municipal de veracruz, pero con lo del robo... bueno, te cuento que apenas hoy me compré una nueva cámara (EOS Rebel T2), un poco más sofisticada que la que se llevaron (EOS Rebel GII)... otra vez, gracias al crédito jejeje
mmm...this one does have an eerie feel to it! job well done...
This is a great shot...perfect for Halloween!!
Thanks girls!!
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