Día de muertos

Dia de muertos (day of the deceased), is a traditional yearly celebration in Mexico dedicated to all those beloved ones that have passed away, every November 2nd, many families, specially in the central and southern part of Mexico set up these kind of altars and stuff them with everything that the spirits of the deceased would love to taste again, bread, cigarrettes, alcohol drinks, even toys for the deceased younger ones.
I remember my grandmother setting up this kind of altar, and I could imagine all my dead relatives coming to party and enjoy everything they liked when they were alive. My grandmother even cooked special dishes for the dead that day.
Sadly, all this is getting mixed nowadays and blurred by the imported Halloween celebration, from our northern neighborhood.
The following shots of altars were taken at PARQUE FUNDIDORA, in Monterrey NL. The culture fellows there must be recongized for their effort to keep the traditions alive.
Good work.
They were taken actually on November 3rd
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